I'm not sure if any of you actually went to or remember fetes.
They're like budget festivals, that are usually run by teachers, parents and/or grandparents. Some stand-out features of a Fete would be things made wool and jam. They are however, very diverse in who goes to them and and in the things you learn to love.
I think most fetes go over looked by the general public, especially you.
This blog actually has nothing to do with Fete's at all. Infact, it actually has nothing to do with fetes.
This is about gaming.
However, (if your'e still reading) I'm wanting to touch on the aspect of gaming that i think go overlooked by the general public.. (see what im doing) They are however, very diverse in who plays them and in the things you could potentially love.
Ok, i'll stop with that. Yes, i'm trying to be smarter then I am.
I just personally found heaps of similarities with gaming and fetes. I also like the word 'Fete'.
My post's are going to focus on the parts of games which i think don't get noticed, or the appreciation they deserve. There are sometimes 400 billion geeks working on a single game at a time. What some of you might not know, is that it's a team made up designers, musicians, illustrators and fine artists, amazing writers and innovative thinkers.
It's usually these bits that i enjoy in a game, not just the gameplay.
Also, for a little project for myself, there will be a monthly (or depending on how bothered i can be; bi-monthly, quarterly or yearly) little online booklet/pdf thing i wish to make up.
It will be nice.